One summer when Second Son was age 7, he developed hives during breakfast one day. Nothing different or unusual had been served. I gave him the antihistamine, Benadryl, watched him and then sent him off to his day's activities.
Throughout the month of July, the hives came and went like an annoying pest. They seemed to be associated with a viral sore throat that he had at one point according to our pediatrician. Then, in mid-August, we were leaving for a beach vacation that involved a 10 hour drive. He was really sick with a fever, sore throat and hives the morning of departure. Instead of leaving for the trip, I took him to the ER where they ran a variety of blood tests and concluded it was: a viral sore throat.
Hives continued to show up on and off. Sometimes big welts. Sometimes really small. But intensely itchy.
When the hives came at night, I would resort to giving him Benadryl so that he could sleep.
We visited our pediatrician a couple more times about the hives and the best guess for a diagnosis was "idiopathic hives", i.e. hives for no good reason. (The official definition is: "dermatologic disorder with itching wheals experienced on a chronic basis; etiology unknown." Medilexicon)
By the end of November this had been going on for five months and he was now needing Benadryl every night. Something had to give.
(An aside here: I am a big fan of Benadryl. Benadryl is always in my house. It has literally saved my life and I would not be without it. But, like anything else, I did not want my kid to have it in his system to that degree.)
I resolved to get to the bottom of it-----thinking there had to be a cause and effect. By this point in time, the hives were showing up in the morning before breakfast and in the evening after he had been put to bed.
I rolled out all of my natural health books and had at it. Looking up hives in the Prescription For Nutritional Healing (one of my go tos) there was a sidebar list of about 50 chemicals that can cause hives in certain individuals. I hit on fluoride and the light bulb went off. His symptoms showed up after brushing his teeth in the morning and after brushing his teeth in the evening.
I got him fluoride free toothpaste and slowly the hives began to dissipate----just showing up sporadically here and there. And then leaving for good.
As far as the state of his dental affairs: he is now 11 and the only one of my three kids without cavities. Go figure. (There are huge battles on fluoride use vs. non-fluoride use in many other places to peruse. Suffice to say I am okay he is without given his body's response.)
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, December 01, 2013
Here is a post that is timely given the season we are in. I know that winter is coming when the chilblains start up. Right now, I have them on every finger of my right hand and some of my left hand fingers. Ouch.
In addition to sharing this blog with my sister, we also share this malady. I have not met any others who mention having them. So what are they?
Here is a proper definition according to Medilexicon's medical dictionary:
Chilblains are Erythema, itching, and burning, especially of the dorsa of the fingers and toes, and of the heels, nose, and ears caused by vascular constriction on exposure to extreme cold (usually associated with high humidity); lesions can be single or multiple, and can become blistered and ulcerated. (synonym: periniosis)
Mine began about five years ago and are limited to my fingertips. Little painful red dots, pinprick in size. So sensitive that it hurts to touch and pick up things. Eventually, the red dots erupt and heal over taking on a crater look.
For me, the word, chilblain, conjures up an image such as this:
It is probable that chilblains come from my British Isles ancestors. It seems a very English affliction to have. Think Dickens' tales or Oliver Twist (especially the bad guy with the fingerless gloves).
They tie me to my ancestors in a romantic sense---the ancestors who bore the hardships of English/Scottish/Irish winters. If not for them---and chilblains----I might not be here in my present form.
Other than wearing gloves at all times to keep hands protected from cold weather, I have not found any quick fix for chilblains. If it gets worse, I may check out this:
The medieval Bald's Leechbook* recommended that chilblains be treated with a mix of eggs, wine, and fennel root. (Wikipedia)
Anybody out there have chilblains and care to share remedies?
*(Bald's Leechbook (also known as Medicinale Anglicum) is an Old English medical text probably compiled in the ninth-century, possibly under the influence of Alfred the Great's educational reforms. It takes its name from a Latin verse colophon at the end of the second book which begins Bald habet hunc librum Cild quem conscribere iussit, meaning "Bald owns this book which he ordered Cild to compile. [Wikipedia])
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Tick Mania Part II
How do I handle tick bites? Thankfully, I haven’t had any recent bites
but I can't seem to keep them away from my three-year-old daughter. Perhaps they are on me as well and her
pristine skin gives them away while mine just go unnoticed, but I have plucked
four ticks off her in the past two years.
However, I can’t force her to stay inside and stare out the window like
an indoor cat anxious to bust outdoors.
She needs a daily dose of nature. At first that meant she would safely watch the
trees from a Baby Bjorn and I didn’t have to worry. However, even as she began to explore on her
feet I never really thought about potentially dangerous insects, I was more
concerned she would fall in a lake or tumble off a stone wall. Basically I figured that if we steered clear
from obvious tick habitats like unkempt grasses and deep woods then we would be
relatively safe.
The latest tick finding was the one that really
threw me. She seems to have caught it simply by being outside. I never even noticed it, but thankfully my
husband spotted it attached to her neck.
Once again we sent the tick off to be evaluated; once again the little
beast was negative for Lyme and positive for Anaplasma. So while I feel
relieved that we caught it, we had to go get another supply of doxycycline and are
currently watching for strange symptoms.
I don’t mean to overreact with constant tick testing, but I
figure if I find the tick then it makes sense to be diligent. I guess I have heard too many tick horror
stories, and even if some of the lore is legend I prefer to play it safe. In the
meantime, after every tick bite I give her an immune boosting protocol which
includes echinacea, astragalus, and elderberry syrup three times a day for a
month. I also give her a bit of chopped garlic
soaked in raw honey with each substantial meal (as long as she doesn’t exhibit
stomach upset). The tick bite itself is
doused daily in an anti microbial solution of thyme, myrrh, comfrey, and
calendula until it disappears. Luckily
her tick bites have not looked angry; inflammation around the bite, even if it
isn’t in a bull’s eye pattern, can be an indicator of infection.
And of course while we are probably more aware of ticks we are not going to let them limit our outside excursions. Daily tick checks, as tedious as they are, are an imperative. In addition, light colored clothing and white socks pulled up high over her pant legs are a part of her new eccentric outdoor look. I also force a hat on her because hair tick checks always end up feeling futile. And finally a healthy application of tick repelling essential oil formula is a must have for us. We reserve the Deet for long hikes in the woods, which honestly we may avoid for awhile.
And of course while we are probably more aware of ticks we are not going to let them limit our outside excursions. Daily tick checks, as tedious as they are, are an imperative. In addition, light colored clothing and white socks pulled up high over her pant legs are a part of her new eccentric outdoor look. I also force a hat on her because hair tick checks always end up feeling futile. And finally a healthy application of tick repelling essential oil formula is a must have for us. We reserve the Deet for long hikes in the woods, which honestly we may avoid for awhile.
So I have a new healthy
attitude about ticks in Maryland. I respect them but I am not going to fear
them. After four tick bites, I hope I am
learning something.
Tick Protocol:
1) Don’t panic and carefully remove the tick with
tweezers by grasping the tick as close to the skin as possible. Do not apply anything to the bite before the
tick is removed (including alcohol). There are tick removing devices available but
the one I tried was useless for the nymph deer tick I was trying to remove, I
think it was geared toward the removal of larger ticks.
2) Disinfect the bite with alcohol and disinfect
your hands and the tweezers as well.
3) Keep
the tick! Place the tick in a plastic
baggie with a tiny bit of wet paper towel.
4) Try
to estimate how long the tick was attached and consider testing. Two labs I
have used with quick turnaround times are Clongen in Germantown, MD and UMASS
tick testing at University of Massachusetts Zoology Department.
5) Watch
the tick bite for inflammation and monitor symptoms for one month.
6) Consider
adjunct treatment with herbs to support your immune response. This could be similar
to the elderberry-astragalus-echinacea blend I give to my daughter or you could
try other herbs like andrographis, cat’s claw, or medicinal mushrooms.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Tick Mania Part I
I live in Maryland which
is considered an area endemic for the ticks that carry Lyme disease. Stories of Lyme are ubiquitous in Maryland
and most people have some awareness of the disease, even if they haven’t
personally experienced infection.
As a kid I grew up
exploring the woods and fields around my house. It was blissful because I was
unaware of any actual dangers in the wilderness beyond my imagination; nature
was just a part of my life. We didn't
worry about ticks much except for the exciting and relatively rare encounter
with a bloated gray dog tick. The big concern with tick bites back in the 70s /
80s was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF).
A disease which sounded vaguely intriguing to me even though I knew from my Mom's anxiety level when she found a tick on us, that it must be bad news. But the corkscrew shaped bacterium which
causes Lyme is not actually carried by the dog tick, it is carried by the Ixodes scapularis tick, also known as
the deer tick after one of its favorite hosts. The deer tick is a minuscule spider-like speck of a tick that is
chilling just for the irony of its inconsequential presence. And while this type of tick may not carry
RMSF, it does carry Lyme and plenty of other co- infectious pathogens bearing Biblical
sounding names like Babesia and Anaplasma.
I can clearly recall my
first encounter with deer ticks---I was about ten, enjoying a run through tall
grasses behind our house when I glanced down to discover miniature ticks all
over my legs. I never again ran innocently through tall grasses after that.
My next tick experience was in middle school, at my friend's house which was nestled in the woods. She pointed out that one of her cat's had creatures attached to its eyes. Indeed, horrifyingly tiny ticks were feeding off her oblivious cat's eyelids. I held my disgust and went home trying not to think about it.
My next tick experience was in middle school, at my friend's house which was nestled in the woods. She pointed out that one of her cat's had creatures attached to its eyes. Indeed, horrifyingly tiny ticks were feeding off her oblivious cat's eyelids. I held my disgust and went home trying not to think about it.
And I really didn't think
about ticks much for the next 20 years or so until Lyme disease began to gain
more publicity. At first Lyme didn't
seem too alarming. An emerging but
treatable malady marked by fever, joint pain, and a distinctive “bull's eye”
rash. I could handle that because it was
readily identifiable by the trademark rash, and thankfully treatable. However, over time a firestorm of controversy
began to surround Lyme disease. A
controversy marked by conflicting viewpoints from two disparate
organizations---Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) and International
Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS).
While the IDSA still holds the party line that Lyme is a relatively
simple and highly treatable bacterial infection, ILADS paints a more harrowing
portrait of the disease. ILADS asserts
that Lyme left untreated can become a chronic affliction with a myriad of
debilitating, and sometimes deadly symptoms. Think of late stage syphilis in
the 16th century (syphilis, like Lyme is also caused by the corkscrew
shaped bacteria known as spirochetes). Furthermore,
ILADS and other “Lyme literate” health care practitioners claim that the
standard testing is inaccurate and that the rash only occurs in about 30% of those
with Lyme. Therefore, many with Lyme are
misdiagnosed and left vulnerable to chronic infection.
Whether you subscribe to
the IDSA or ILADS guidelines it is still prudent to educate yourself and
remember the ticks are out there ---whether you are working in a springtime garden,
sunbathing in the front yard, walking through fall leaves, or hiking through
thick woods. Early antibiotic treatment
is considered to be the most effective way to eradicate the disease completely
and if you know you had a tick bite then you can be prepared for action if any
bizarre symptoms should manifest.
Living in a tick infested
area does have possible health ramifications and I believe awareness, not
excessive worry is the best policy.
However, I do admit that while I strive to remain composed in the presence
of a tick, I have also fallen into a blind panic.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
I have had a complicated relationship with eggs since
I remember having texture issues with scrambled eggs as a
youngster but I think I could usually tolerate other styles like soft-boiled
and fried eggs. In general, I did not
eat them that much. But I was a fussy
eater with a lot of stomachaches so my food choices were all over the place.
Later in life ----around the time I committed to eating a
good, hearty breakfast every morning----- I began to eat eggs on a regular
basis. So eggs became part of a
repertoire that provided a nice source of protein. Which worked out great for stabilizing blood
sugar levels.
Until the eggs didn’t work out great. About seven years or so of eating eggs on a
regular basis, I developed stomach issues in the spring. I thought maybe it was related to spring
pollen allergies. It ramped up and got worse (never as bad as pepto bismol
stomach: reference first post).
But then it would stop by August or September.
A couple of years into this kind of stomach pain, the
lightbulb went off and I realized it was eggs.
I finally made the direct correlation between eating eggs and the pain
happening. It started up every spring,
lasted through summer and then the rest of the year I could eat my eggs.
So around March when the pain kicked in I would stop eating
eggs. My suspect is that there is some cross reactivity for me between seasonal
pollen allergies and eggs. In other
words, when I have the pollen allergies, an egg allergy kicks in whereas the
rest of the year the egg allergy is not present.
A year and a half ago, we got backyard chickens. We bought them as pullets in March. By June, they decided to lay eggs. While I
was in a non-egg eating mode, I threw caution to the wind and decided the
stomachache would be worth it. I wanted
to try our hens’ eggs.
So I did. But I did
not get a stomachache. I continued to
eat our hens’ eggs. Somehow I rid myself
of the egg problem---even when the pollen allergies have been their most
extreme, I can eat eggs. Not only our
hens’ eggs but store-bought also.
(Although once you’ve had your own farm fresh eggs it’s so hard to go
(Quick Public Service Announcement: you can’t go wrong with getting backyard
hens. They are tons of fun, educational
and give presents (the eggs). Our hens
are free range part of the time, eat bugs and get fresh air. We control what their food kibble is. So we have a food source that we can verify
being pretty close to all natural. Their
egg yolks are almost neon yellow in color---which is the way it’s supposed to
be. Plus, they teach me new things
every week. For example, this week I
learned that they cackle so loudly because they are bragging to the other
ladies about laying an egg. Sometimes a
little bragging is a good thing…...)
Sunday, November 03, 2013
My Big Toe and the 7 year mystery
So this is a story of international intrigue stretching from the beaches of Miami to the beaches of Barbados. And the centerpiece of the tale is my big toe.
On 17 February 1998, I was honeymooning in Miami Beach with my new husband. We decided to take a drive to Key Biscayne and explore the lovely park there on a surrey style bike (available for rent at the park). Like the bikes on boardwalks, there was one place to steer and two places to pedal. We reached a point at the end of the path where Husband had to get out and manually push the bike to turn it around. He told me to get in the steering area and, as I was doing so, but before my sandaled feet were in position, he began pushing. In a freaky turn of events, a bike blade caught my left big toe and sliced through it. After feeling the impact, I looked down and saw blood streaming from my toe, and my toenail was not there. It got pulverized. He jumped in the steering seat. I moved over with my toe dangling off to the side still streaming blood. The puddle of blood left behind looked like a crime scene. Husband had to pedal back himself to the main area. Which took some time.
Back in the main parking lot, a ranger gave us first aid----inadvertently getting my blood on her ungloved hands. She then directed us to the closest emergency room. Once there, they had us wait for a plastic surgeon so that the toe nail bed could be stitched together in the hopes of saving it. The moral of the story thus far was that my pulverized toenail had actually saved my big toe bone enabling me to retain balance etc and demonstrating the purpose of a toenail. It was a long wait. And then a big needle right in that bloody pulp of a toe. Fun.
I left the ER with a club style bandage on the foot and crutches that were too big. And some pain pills that didn't cut it. We were staying in an art deco hotel in Miami Beach which had been delightful. Part of the charm was no elevator; just a staircase. After finally getting back that night around midnight, I acted out the part in "The Other Side of the Mountain" where the protagonist throws down her crutches and sobs. Because I just couldn't get up those stairs.
The next day passed in a blur of pain and sleep from pain pills that didn't really touch the pain whilst Husband watched the Westminster Dog Kennel Show. Honeymoon officially over.
And then followed the aftermath of wound care. The toenail slowly grew in but it was ingrown. By June 1998, it hadn't healed yet so it was necessary to go in to a podiatrist and have the ingrown stuff killed forever. Then a couple of years later in September 2000, another procedure to do the same.
The status then became one nail in place that never grew so it never needed to be trimmed. It really became kind of a hoof. Then, it started to loosen and was pretty sensitive if bumped or hit.
Seven years after the accident (right around our wedding anniversary), it had loosened to the point that it was painful when snagging or rubbing. I did my own surgery and lifted it off. It was barely hanging on. Underneath, a new nail had started its slow journey north. Thus, explaining the looseness of the nail.
Same thing ensued: one nail grew in and stayed in place. Then, six years later, on the exact anniversary of the accident (17 February 2011), the nail tore halfway off when I hit something on a beach in Barbados. Sitting on a beach chair, I sat down and did what I had to do: tore the rest of it off. This time, the nail was not as ready to come off and there was nothing much underneath. More pain involved this time too.
We were not even halfway through our cruise vacation and had more beaches (i.e. more sand) to go to. Of course, it got infected despite the salt water baths.
Once back home, the doctor's verdict was that the nail would no longer grow in and might form a callus thus eliminating the need to do anything else.
But the nail did grow back into hoof status. I don't relish the idea of being in my 80s tearing my hoofs off and dealing with infections on beaches in the Carrbbean. (Being in my 80s and in the Caribbean sounds good though.) But I guess that is the way it will continue to be....
The most interesting part of this story is the symbolism of seven years. The body is said to regenerate cells every seven years. This toenail has exemplified this concept and also shown how the body can decide to do its own thing. It's an interesting journey....
On 17 February 1998, I was honeymooning in Miami Beach with my new husband. We decided to take a drive to Key Biscayne and explore the lovely park there on a surrey style bike (available for rent at the park). Like the bikes on boardwalks, there was one place to steer and two places to pedal. We reached a point at the end of the path where Husband had to get out and manually push the bike to turn it around. He told me to get in the steering area and, as I was doing so, but before my sandaled feet were in position, he began pushing. In a freaky turn of events, a bike blade caught my left big toe and sliced through it. After feeling the impact, I looked down and saw blood streaming from my toe, and my toenail was not there. It got pulverized. He jumped in the steering seat. I moved over with my toe dangling off to the side still streaming blood. The puddle of blood left behind looked like a crime scene. Husband had to pedal back himself to the main area. Which took some time.
Back in the main parking lot, a ranger gave us first aid----inadvertently getting my blood on her ungloved hands. She then directed us to the closest emergency room. Once there, they had us wait for a plastic surgeon so that the toe nail bed could be stitched together in the hopes of saving it. The moral of the story thus far was that my pulverized toenail had actually saved my big toe bone enabling me to retain balance etc and demonstrating the purpose of a toenail. It was a long wait. And then a big needle right in that bloody pulp of a toe. Fun.
I left the ER with a club style bandage on the foot and crutches that were too big. And some pain pills that didn't cut it. We were staying in an art deco hotel in Miami Beach which had been delightful. Part of the charm was no elevator; just a staircase. After finally getting back that night around midnight, I acted out the part in "The Other Side of the Mountain" where the protagonist throws down her crutches and sobs. Because I just couldn't get up those stairs.
The next day passed in a blur of pain and sleep from pain pills that didn't really touch the pain whilst Husband watched the Westminster Dog Kennel Show. Honeymoon officially over.
And then followed the aftermath of wound care. The toenail slowly grew in but it was ingrown. By June 1998, it hadn't healed yet so it was necessary to go in to a podiatrist and have the ingrown stuff killed forever. Then a couple of years later in September 2000, another procedure to do the same.
The status then became one nail in place that never grew so it never needed to be trimmed. It really became kind of a hoof. Then, it started to loosen and was pretty sensitive if bumped or hit.
Seven years after the accident (right around our wedding anniversary), it had loosened to the point that it was painful when snagging or rubbing. I did my own surgery and lifted it off. It was barely hanging on. Underneath, a new nail had started its slow journey north. Thus, explaining the looseness of the nail.
Same thing ensued: one nail grew in and stayed in place. Then, six years later, on the exact anniversary of the accident (17 February 2011), the nail tore halfway off when I hit something on a beach in Barbados. Sitting on a beach chair, I sat down and did what I had to do: tore the rest of it off. This time, the nail was not as ready to come off and there was nothing much underneath. More pain involved this time too.
We were not even halfway through our cruise vacation and had more beaches (i.e. more sand) to go to. Of course, it got infected despite the salt water baths.
Once back home, the doctor's verdict was that the nail would no longer grow in and might form a callus thus eliminating the need to do anything else.
But the nail did grow back into hoof status. I don't relish the idea of being in my 80s tearing my hoofs off and dealing with infections on beaches in the Carrbbean. (Being in my 80s and in the Caribbean sounds good though.) But I guess that is the way it will continue to be....
The most interesting part of this story is the symbolism of seven years. The body is said to regenerate cells every seven years. This toenail has exemplified this concept and also shown how the body can decide to do its own thing. It's an interesting journey....
Sunday, October 27, 2013
The Magical Powers of Calendula Oil
Okay: here is where the blog takes some graphic turns. Avert your reading if sensitive and/or squeamish. In early 2000, I was recovering from the ravages of my first pregnancy, labor and delivery. The pregnancy had involved some issues and, in particular, a big horrific battle with daily constipation. (stop reading here if you can't hang with this discussion.)
This battle worn site in my body did not fare well during the hour or so of pushing an almost 9 pound baby out. The end result was golf ball size hemorrhoids on the outside and anal fissures on the inside. The 'roids went down in time; the fissures did not. Hence, after every bowel movement, I was in excruciating pain unless I took a pain pill. A real pain pill---not just Tylenol. It went on for a couple of months and then I got lucky and found a holistic MD under my insurance plan.
She examined me and diagnosed the fissure (up until then i had just assumed it was something terminal and didn't really know what it was---aside from ungodly).
She sold me some calendula* oil made by a company called HerbPharm for under $10. I was then to apply it internally using my finger (if i could handle this) a couple of times a day. (I know----but I did warn you.)
Couple days of treatment and pain gone forever. Fissure fixed.
Round 2 of calendula oil came about a year and one half later. My now toddler son ended up with the most godawful diaper rash I had ever seen. I took him to the doctor and it had turned out to be a yeast rash. In retrospect, this was the worst rash I ever encountered throughout having three kids. Like horror film ugly. Nothing was working. It went on for a week. Finally I dug into my bag of tricks and pulled out my calendula oil. I applied straight calendula oil and the rash was fixed in one day. I also found a calendula oil diaper rash ointment made by Weleda that kept it from returning in the summer heat. It became my fave diaper cream. (Still keep the stuff around even though diaper changing is no longer in my job description.)
Round 3 of calendula oil involved second son: within a week or so after his birth, he developed baby acne which made him look like Elephant Man in baby version. The doctor said that it would probably last about a year. I was aghast and thought "no way is my kid going to look like this for a year". I went home and started working with calendula ointments and creams. It took some religious effort but within a week or so it was done.
Calendula oil is always in my house as the go-to skin problem fixer.
*Calendula (/kəˈlɛndjuːlə/ Ca-lén-du-la),[1] marigold, is a genus of about 15–20 species[2] of annual and perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family Asteraceae. They are native to southwestern Asia, western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean. Other plants are also known as marigolds, such as corn marigold, desert marigold, marsh marigold, and plants of the genus Tagetes.
The name calendula is a modern Latin diminutive of calendae, meaning "little calendar", "little clock" or possibly "little weather-glass".[3] The common name "marigold" [3] refers to the Virgin Mary.
The most commonly cultivated and used member of the genus is the pot marigold (Calendula officinalis). Popular herbal and cosmetic products named 'calendula' invariably derive from C. officinalis.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Pterygiums and Eyebright
After a vacation to the Bahamas in August 1997, I arrived home with a pterygium*. Basically, it was this reddish growth thing on the surface of one of my eyes (the white part technically known as the sclera). I promptly went to the eye doctor and was told that it was a pterygium which, in some cases, can be brought on by intensive sun exposure. The way to avoid getting pterygiums is to wear sunglasses at all times whilst outside. But too late for me to find this out. The pterygium, I was informed, was permanent and there to stay. In all its unattractive annoyingness. (It was quite noticeable; people would stare and ask what happened to my eye.)
I started wearing sunglasses right away----and have never stopped to this day----to prevent any further damage. But I felt that there had to be a way to rid myself of this thing. I made a trip to an hippie herbal shop and somehow got in a conversation with a guy that considered himself an iridologist**. I had never met such a person before but he was very enthusiastic and assured me that my problem could be easily fixed with a eyewash of eyebright tea. His profession sounds wacky to the average but I really wanted a fix for this ptergium. So I bought some eyebright tea and followed his instructions.
I did the eyewashes maybe two or three times. They were painful and the whole white of my eye would turn red. And, sure, I worried I was blinding myself based on some random dude's advice. But then by the third time, it was gone. And it never came back. Yet I was told I would always have it.
*A pterygium is an elevated, superficial, external ocular mass that usually forms over the perilimbal conjunctiva and extends onto the corneal surface. Pterygia can vary from small, atrophic quiescent lesions to large, aggressive, rapidly growing fibrovascular lesions that can distort the corneal topography, and, in advanced cases, they can obscure the optical center of the cornea.[medscape reference]
I started wearing sunglasses right away----and have never stopped to this day----to prevent any further damage. But I felt that there had to be a way to rid myself of this thing. I made a trip to an hippie herbal shop and somehow got in a conversation with a guy that considered himself an iridologist**. I had never met such a person before but he was very enthusiastic and assured me that my problem could be easily fixed with a eyewash of eyebright tea. His profession sounds wacky to the average but I really wanted a fix for this ptergium. So I bought some eyebright tea and followed his instructions.
I did the eyewashes maybe two or three times. They were painful and the whole white of my eye would turn red. And, sure, I worried I was blinding myself based on some random dude's advice. But then by the third time, it was gone. And it never came back. Yet I was told I would always have it.
Eyebright |
*A pterygium is an elevated, superficial, external ocular mass that usually forms over the perilimbal conjunctiva and extends onto the corneal surface. Pterygia can vary from small, atrophic quiescent lesions to large, aggressive, rapidly growing fibrovascular lesions that can distort the corneal topography, and, in advanced cases, they can obscure the optical center of the cornea.[medscape reference]
**Iridology is a branch of alternative medicine that has been around for centuries. Practitioners believe that cell changes in the iris can indicate problem areas in the rest of the body. By examining the iris for new marks and colors, they diagnose general problems or weaknesses--rather than specific diseases--in all areas of the body, including the heart, liver, lungs, neck, brain, kidneys and spleen. []
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Friday, October 04, 2013
Mary's Pepto-Bismol Story
In my mid-to-late twenties (roughly 1987 to 1991), I suffered on and off from stomach and/or intestinal pain. A weird pain that was really more discomfort than pain but discomfort to a disabling degree, i.e. it would cause me to leave work for the day. It seldom led to diarrhea, vomiting and the like so I generally waited it out with maybe sips of Coke and fetal position curls. Not having health insurance at the time, I could not afford the next step which would have been barium enemas and other gory and invasive testings. Not to mention expensive.
One day, in a bookstore, I happened upon a compilation of herbal folk wisdom about cures for everyday ailments---the author may have been Jean Carper but I can't say for certain. My attention was caught by a chapter on ulcer like symptoms that were indicative of a bacteria---H. pylori. The suggested easy remedy was Pepto-Bismol.
After one dose my suffering was done. I took another dose for good measure. This was roughly late Spring 1991. After that time, news broke about H. Pylori and how it mimicked ulcer symptoms. But I never read about bismuth (active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol) curing it anywhere again.
This little science experiment on myself was actually the catalyst to my interest in finding ways to heal myself when and if possible.
Zoom forward many years later: one of my kids (under the age of ten at that time) was experiencing repetitive stomachaches that were very painful. I went through my repertoire and considered trying Pepto-Bismol on him. In theory, the age 12 and under set is not supposed to use the product due to Reyes Syndrome. But I decided to try one teaspoon. Twenty minutes later, he bounced into the room and said: “Mom, my stomachache is all gone!” I have since used it judiciously on my kids when needed.
One day, in a bookstore, I happened upon a compilation of herbal folk wisdom about cures for everyday ailments---the author may have been Jean Carper but I can't say for certain. My attention was caught by a chapter on ulcer like symptoms that were indicative of a bacteria---H. pylori. The suggested easy remedy was Pepto-Bismol.
After one dose my suffering was done. I took another dose for good measure. This was roughly late Spring 1991. After that time, news broke about H. Pylori and how it mimicked ulcer symptoms. But I never read about bismuth (active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol) curing it anywhere again.
This little science experiment on myself was actually the catalyst to my interest in finding ways to heal myself when and if possible.
Zoom forward many years later: one of my kids (under the age of ten at that time) was experiencing repetitive stomachaches that were very painful. I went through my repertoire and considered trying Pepto-Bismol on him. In theory, the age 12 and under set is not supposed to use the product due to Reyes Syndrome. But I decided to try one teaspoon. Twenty minutes later, he bounced into the room and said: “Mom, my stomachache is all gone!” I have since used it judiciously on my kids when needed.
I think bismuth kills off things that need to be killed off……
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Why Musings on the Bamboo Path?
We are sisters. Between us, we have a combined eighty-eight years on this planet. There is a ten years difference between us. (There’s some fifth grade math for you.) If there wasn’t that much of an age gap, a blog collaboration might not work. Or any collaboration for that matter…… Both of us have had a vested interest in health and wellness for many of those eighty-eight years. We decided it is time to put down in blog format the various trials and tribulations that have occurred on this path. We are now down the path a ways into midlife with its inherent challenges. We continue on with zeal and gusto! In no way do we purport to be medical professionals. And in no way is this blog medically sanctioned.
Mary’s story:
In my lifetime, I have experienced
many unusual experiences related to health and wellness. My mind and body has not ever fit the “one
size fits all” approach that seems common in the medical field. Because of this, I had some unfortunate times
relating to medicinal reactions and a piss-poor immune system. So I reached a point in my mid-twenties where
I attempted to wipe my medical slate clean and start over. There have been a lot of bumps and even pot
holes on that path but that is the choice I made…….
In my mid-thirties, I started a
family and thus entered a whole other dimension of health and wellness
involving pregnancies, infancies and little people. My path became a good bit wider, more
challenging and even more experimental.
You might even call it an adventure.
So what’s the motivation to blog
about this? Even if it is the most
boring, dry material in blogosphere (it won’t be) and interesting to only two
people (sister and me), this becomes the record my kids may refer back to
someday. They may indeed need to look up
how to get rid of a wart or how to use Pepto Bismol for its best purpose.
Dorothy's story:
Staying healthy was a big preoccupation in my idyllic, albeit virus riddled childhood. Even with plenty of bucolic fresh air and ample exposure to supposed immune building germs, my ten year old self just couldn't seem to evade a relentless campaign of nasty respiratory illnesses.
I suppose my early childhood dance with illness (and my own subtly compromised, yet thankfully intact immune system) instilled in me a fascination with all things health related. Specifically, by middle age, it has become obvious to me that preventative and complementary measures can go a long way to restoring a body and mind back to balance.
The ups and downs of health are an adventure that we all share and I hope some of my experiences-----from how to deal with an ominous looking tick bite to how to deal with the mask of pregnancy-----will have value to all readers in search of self care solutions.
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